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Train collision kills at least four in Czech Republic

At least four people were killed and more than 20 others injured when a passenger train collided with a freight train in the Czech Republic on Wednesday night, authorities said.

Rescue operations have ended and authorities will investigate what caused the crash in the city of Pardubice, police said Thursday.

About 380 people were traveling aboard the passenger train, the Fire Rescue Service said. It was traveling overnight from Prague to the city of Chop in western Ukraine, according to operator RegioJet’s website.

The freight train was carrying calcium carbide – a hazardous industrial chemical – although the first two wagons were empty, so no leak occurred, the fire department said.

Footage after the crash on news website showed at least one carriage off the track, while police showed a line of emergency service vehicles and a helicopter in a post on X, Reuters reported.

This story has been updated with additional information.

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