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Trump vows to build Israel-style ‘Great Iron Dome’ over US if re-elected: ‘Made in America’

Former President Trump promised to build a ‘great’ Iron Dome for the U.S. during his birthday rally in Florida, saying that it would be ‘made in America.’

‘By next term we will build a great Iron Dome over our country,’ Trump said at his 78th birthday soirée at Club 47 in West Palm Beach on Friday evening. ‘We deserve a dome. We deserve it all, made state of the art.

‘It’s a missile defense shield, and it’ll all be made in America,’ he said. ‘Jobs, jobs, jobs.’

Trump said that Ronald Reagan once rooted for an Iron Dome in the U.S., ‘but at that time, we didn’t have the technology.’

‘We now have the technology,’ Trump said.

Trump said his proposed Iron Dome will be made in America and that it will create ‘beautiful’ opportunities for young people.

‘It’s all going to be made in states,’ he said. ‘We’re going to have a big, beautiful Iron Dome.’

‘Great opportunity for young people,’ Trump said.

Israel’s missile defense system, or Iron Dome, is largely funded by the United States.

The system is designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery fired from no more than 43 miles away.

Since its creation in 2011, the Iron Dome has rebuffed and destroyed rockets from Hamas militants, Palestinian forces and Iranian drones and missiles.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

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