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Israeli military straps injured Palestinian man to hood of jeep

The Israeli military strapped an injured Palestinian man to the hood of a military vehicle during an operation on Saturday in the occupied West Bank.

Video shows the man lying across the front of the Israeli jeep as it drove through a neighborhood of Jenin. The man appeared slumped on the hood of the vehicle as it drove past Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) ambulances.

The PRCS said the Israeli military had prevented its crews from providing first aid to an injured man in the Jabarat area of Jenin.

“They then placed the injured person on the front of a military jeep and detained him before later allowing our crews to transfer him to the hospital,” the PRCS said.

The man’s condition and identity are unknown.

In response to questions about the incident, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Saturday that its forces violated “orders and standard operating procedures” and an investigation would be launched.

“The conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values of the IDF. The incident will be investigated and dealt with accordingly,” the IDF said in a statement.

The IDF said the incident happened Saturday morning during counterterrorism operations to apprehend suspects in the Wadi Burqin area west of Jenin. It said the man was a suspect who was injured and apprehended after an exchange of fire.

He was transferred to the Red Crescent to receive medical treatment, the Israeli military added.

There has been an uptick in violence in the occupied West Bank since the start of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza began in October, following the militant group’s unprecedented and deadly attacks on Israel.

More than 500 Palestinians, including over 100 children, have been killed in the West Bank since October 7, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

Almost three quarters of those fatalities took place during operations by Israeli forces, the UN agency said.

As well as Israeli military raids in the West Bank, there has been an increase in violence carried out by Israeli settlers against Palestinians.

More than 700,000 Jewish settlers live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem in settlements that are considered illegal under international law and widely seen as one of the main obstacles to a two-state solution.

Last Friday, the Biden administration imposed sanctions on the Israeli group Tzav 9 for disrupting humanitarian convoys headed to Gaza, the latest punitive measure taken under an executive order targeting those perpetrating violence in the West Bank.

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