Syntheia Corp. (‘Syntheia’ or the ‘Company’) (, CSE SYAI, a Canadian leader in conversational AI, announces that its innovative SaaS platform, designed to transform...
The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index (INDEXTSI:JX) fell 2.63 percent on the week to close at 591.22 on Friday (November 8). Meanwhile, the S&P/TSX Composite...
The Board of CleanTech Lithium announces that the Company has received the following TR-1 notification which is set out below without amendment. For further...
A left-wing dark money network, known for its secretive funding operation, raised more than $1.3 billion in anonymous donations to fund progressive projects in...
People point to tax burdens and over-regulation as the reasons for economic decline. But the reality is that high government spending is the precursor...
Israel’s war conduct in Gaza “is consistent with the characteristics of genocide,” including mass civilian casualties and using starvation as a weapon, according to...